PhD, 2018. Princeton University
I am a theoretical physicist who is interested in biological phenomena, especially nervous systems and the brain. By developing theoretical frameworks grounded in statistical physics, I hope to gain insight not only to the underlying principles guiding biological function, but also to novel physics concepts that are in play in these complex systems.
During my PhD at the Center for Physics of Biological function at Princeton I have been working with Prof. Bialek in collaboration with Prof. Tank and Prof. Brody. My PhD work has focused on: [1] Writing down Ising models (maximum entropy) for population-level activity that achieve particularly high quantitative agreement between model predictions and experiment; and [2] Developing renormalization group (RG) – inspired approaches for coarse-graining in order to investigate how the description of neural activity evolves across scales, and capture the relevant parameters of the system.
Prior to my PhD, I completed a Masters studying physics and biology in the Lautman honors program at Tel Aviv University, Israel.