learn more about current research at the Center, see the work to be presented at the March Meeting of the American Physical Society
Game Theory Cancer Models of Cancer Cell-Stromal Cell Dynamics using Interacting Particle Systems Abstract
Bacterial Route-finding and Collective Escape in Mazes and Fractals Abstract
The Broken Symmetry of Low Temperature and High Temperature Unfolding of Proteins in Water Abstract
Emergent in vitro Cancer Tumor Hypoxia and K-Core Collapse Abstract
Field-Drive Robot Swarm Quasi-Transitions Abstract
E. coli Bacteria near "Black Hole" Abstract
Capturing the local entropy production by data compression Abstract
Playing it safe: information constraints bias living systems towards less risky Abstract
A scaling law in CRISPR repertoire sizes arises from the avoidance of autoimmunity Abstract
The size of the immune repertoire of bacteria Abstract
Curious exploration in complex environments Abstract
Competing for Resources: on the Emergence of Property Rights Abstract
Information tradeoffs in receptor arrays Abstract
A simple metabolic architecture allows near-optimal adaptation to rapidly fluctuating environments Abstract
Predictive capacity of a dynamical system Abstract
Trading bits in the readout from a genetic network Abstract
Characterization of the functional relevance of intranuclear transcription factor aggregates in living fly embryos Abstract
Ecological significance of imperfectly synchronized collective behaviors Abstract
Action at a distance in transcriptional regulation Abstract
Light controlled cell-fates in embryonic development Abstract
Live measurements of transcriptional bursting and dynamic gene regulation in early fly embryos Abstract
Decoding locomotion from population neural activity in moving C. elegans Abstract
Automatic Neuron Correspondence Prediction In C.elegans With Deep Learning Abstract
Nonequilibrium Green's functions for functional connectivity in the brain Abstract
Perturbation Theory for the Information Bottleneck Abstract
Gated recurrent neural networks 2: a novel first-order chaotic transition Abstract
Effects of demographic stochasticity on eco-evolutionary dynamics and trait-space patterning of complex communities Abstract
Gated Recurrent Neural Networks 1: marginal stability and line attractors Abstract
Measuring mechanical stress in Myxococcus xanthus monolayers with traction force microscopy Abstract
Viscoelasticity of Myxococcus xanthus Fruiting Bodies Abstract
Early social context alters paired interactions in the bumblebee Bombus impatiens Abstract
Quantifying the pairwise fighting behavior of zebrafish in 3D Abstract
Trail following in bacteria Abstract
Growth and characteristic layering of Myxococcus xanthus active nematic droplets Abstract
Particle size dependence of 3D diffusion in live Escherichia coli cells Abstract
Where and when microtubules are nucleated in the cell Abstract
Behavioral quantification of freely moving mice Abstract
Decoding the physical principles of biomolecular phase separation Abstract
Steering toward the crowd: Orientational interactions induce active phase separation Abstract
Sequence dependence of biomolecular condensates Abstract
Modeling the ecology of parasitic plasmids Abstract
Chromatin Mechanics Dictates Subdiffusion and Coarsening Dynamics of Embedded Condensates Abstract
Biophysical principles of the Chlamydomonas reinhardtii CO2-concentrating mechanism Abstract
Active self-organization and division of nematic droplets Abstract
Elastically limited liquid-liquid phase separation Abstract
Chemotactic smoothing of bacterial populations Abstract
Renormalization group analysis of frustrated self-assembly Abstract
Visualizing multiparameter probabilistic models in Minkowski space Abstract
From topological defects to fruiting bodies in bacterial colonies Abstract
Feed-forward correction of neural timing errors through fluctuating scalar input Abstract
Response and flux of information in extended non-equilibrium dynamics Abstract
Equity and Inclusion in inquiry-based labs Abstract
Human information processing in complex networks Abstract
When it is more powerful to infer than to see Abstract
Free Energy Model of the Human Perception of a Starry Sky Abstract
A coarse-grained view of biochemical feedback and cell-to-cell communication Abstract
Learning the dynamics of cell-cell interactions in confined cell migration Abstract
Diffusiophoresis of passive particles in the presence of protein patterns Abstract
Evolutionary dynamics of cancer on complex stress landscapes Abstract
E. coli Bacteria near "Black Hole" Abstract
The role of heterogeneous environments and docetaxel gradients in the emergence of polyploid, mesenchymal and resistant prostate cancer cells Abstract Abstract
Collective Robot Sex on Dynamic Resource Landscapes Abstract
Continuum modeling of bacterial biofilm development Abstract
Morphogenesis and fractal dimension of bacterial pellicles Abstract
A statistical ensemble approach to understanding adaptive immunity: using sequence data to quantify the extraordinary diversity, in both sequence and protective specifictiy, of the T- and B-cells cells that make up an individual human's immune system Abstract
Searching for emergent long time scales without fine tuning Abstract
Information costs in the control of protein synthesis Abstract
Information tradeoffs in sensing and sampling Abstract
Quantifying success and failure in simple models of large neural populations Abstract
Trading bits in the readout of positional information Abstract
Information-bottleneck renormalization group for self-supervised representation learning Abstract
Compression as a path to simpler models of collective neural activity Abstract
Opto-genetic control of gene regulation in living fly embryos Abstract
Live measurements of transcriptional bursting and dynamic gene regulation in early fly embryos Abstract
Multi-animal pose tracking using deep neural networks Abstract
Predicting the future from the past in visual object motion: optimal representations of mixed stochastic/deterministic trajectories Abstract
How behavioral and evolutionary constraints sculpt early visual processing Abstract
A mechanical model for supervised learning Abstract
Niche-Neutral Transition in a Lotka-Volterra Model of Diverse Ecosystems Abstract
Theory of gating in recurrent neural networks Abstract
Connecting Dynamics and Trainability in Recurrent Neural Networks Abstract
Scalable maximally informative dimensions analysis of deep neural networks Abstract
3D particle diffusion in Escherichia coli cells Abstract
Social context alters behavioral interactions in bumblebees Abstract
One fish, two fish, win fish, lose fish: Imaging and analyzing the fighting behavior of zebrafish in 3D Abstract
Swimmers at low Reynolds number driven by Quincke rotation Abstract
Self-driven phase transitions in living matter Abstract
Topological defects drive layer formation in bacteria colonies Abstract
A hydrodynamic instability drives TPX2 protein droplet formation on microtubules and leads to branching microtubule nucleation Abstract
Growth and dynamics of active nematic droplets of Myxococcus xanthus bacteria Abstract
Sequential and efficient neural-population coding of complex task information Abstract
Investigating the eukaryotic CO2-fixing phase-separated organelle, the pyrenoid Abstract
Cross-feeding is not necessarily evolutionarily stable Abstract
New mechanism of motility-induced phase separation in active colloids Abstract
Phase separation in the nucleus is limited by chromatin mechanics Abstract
Subdiffusive Dynamics of Optogenetic Droplets Report on Local Chromatin Mechanics Abstract
Motif Sequences and Intracellular Phase Separation Abstract
Immune repertoire dynamics out of steady state Abstract
Learning the Non-Equilibrium Dynamics of Brownian Movies Abstract
Stochastic Force Inference Abstract
Optimal visual motion estimation in a natural environment Abstract
Progress on functional connectivity measurement and modeling in C. elegans Abstract
Topological defect driven thickness changes in layers of bacteria Abstract
Reading the mind of the worm: Brain-wide neural dynamics predict behavior in C. elegans Abstract
Mechanical Principles Underlying Development of Bacterial Biofilm Morphology Abstract
Evolutionarily stable coexistence in a single nutrient: optimization and cross-feeding Abstract
Unsupervised Classification of Behavior for Open Field Mouse Recordings Abstract
An Integrated, Quantitative Introduction to the Natural Sciences at Princeton University Abstract
Looping and Clustering: a statistical physics approach to protein-DNA complexes in bacteria Abstract
Statistical mechanics of Twitter Abstract
A quorum sensing-controlled program of aggregation in V. cholerae Abstract
Verticalization of bacterial biofilms Abstract
Information transmission and evolution of crosstalk in noisy signal transduction networks Abstract
Modeling the influence of metabolic trade-offs on microbiota diversity Abstract
Information flow and the accuracy of concentration measurements in a genetic network Abstract
Motif Sequences and the Statistical Physics of Intracellular Phase Separation Abstract
The role of motility in Myxococcus xanthus droplet formation and droplet geometries Abstract
Mechanical Interplay of Chromatin and Liquid-Liquid Phase Separated Condensates Abstract
Measurement of In vitro Cancer Tumor Hypoxia Abstract
Mechanical principles of biofilm formation revealed by single-cell resolution imaging Abstract
Mining recombination algorithms in modular biosynthetic gene clusters Abstract
Emergence of E. coli Critically Buckled Motile Helices Under Antibiotic Stress Abstract
Understand the role of chemotherapeutic gradient in the emergence of polyploid giant cancer cells using mean field model Abstract
Learning force fields from stochastic trajectories Abstract
Chromatin Mechanics and the Biological Implication Abstract
Active wetting of epithelial tissues Abstract
Neural Correlates of Cognition in Primary Visual versus Downstream Posterior Cortices During Evidence Accumulation Abstract
Exploring the energy landscape of C. elegans neural activities Abstract
RG-inspired analyses of activity in networks of real neurons Abstract
Collective sensing by cell populations with feedback-induced long-range correlations Abstract
A statistical ensemble approach to immune discrimination Abstract
Bacterial Phage Resistance Emergence in Complex Landscapes of Stress Abstract
Extracellular polymers control bacterial biofilm expansion and material properties Abstract
Investigating the role of hemagglutinin protein stability in influenza A evolutionary dynamics Abstract
Precise spatial scaling in the early fly embryo Abstract
Geometric localization of cell wall growth and shape determining proteins in Helicobacter pylori Abstract
Mechanotransduction in bacteria: how Pseudomonas aeruginosa actively probes and responds to substrate mechanics Abstract
E. coli in Mazes. Abstract
Spatiotemporal dynamics of Pma1 in Saccharomyces cerevisiae using a reversibly interacting tag-probe system Abstract
The renormalization group and information bottleneck: a unified framework Abstract
Dynamical Implications of Hyperparameters in Reinforcement Learning Abstract
Mean Field Analysis of Batch Normalization Abstract
Nonequilibrium cooperative sensing Abstract
Collective Creativity and Survival Algorithms of Bacteria Abstract
E. coli Filaments Doing the Twist Abstract
Mapping The Cold Denaturation Landscape of Proteins Abstract
Cancer Dormancy and Criticality from a Game Theory Perspective Abstract
The Emergence of Polyploid Giant Cancer Cells as the Reservoir of Therapeutic Resistance Abstract
Mechanical Principles of Biofilm Formation Abstract
Quorum sensing control of Vibrio cholerae aggregation Abstract
Max Delbrück Prize in Biological Physics Talk: Precision and emergence in the physics of biological function Abstract
On the learnability of probability distributions Abstract
Searching for collective behavior in a small brain Abstract
Efficient transmission of unique cell identities via correlated fluctuations, emergent discreteness, and error-correcting codes Abstract
Investigating neuronal populations that are truly large – can we keep our models small? Abstract
Exploring a strongly non-Markovian behavior Abstract
On public and private aspects of the adaptive immune system as revealed by statistical inference Abstract
Generation Probabilities of T cell receptors: a story of Coarse Graining Abstract
Self-driven phase transitions in living matter Abstract
Exploring viscoelastic properties of Myxococcus xanthus fruiting bodies with AFM measurements Abstract
3D Motility Measurements of Myxococcus xanthusFruiting Body Formation Abstract
Quantifying Behavior and Interaction in Paired Fruit Flies Abstract
Bacterial Proteins Associated With Cell Shape Homeostasis Localize to Specific 3D Abstract
Inferring the role of internal dynamics in Drosophila aging Abstract
Spatial gradient sensing and wave rectification via excitability Abstract
Optimizing population coding with unimodal tuning curves and short-term memory in continuous attractor networks Abstract
Subdiffusion Arising from Intracellular Phase Separation Abstract
Spatial Structure in Microbial Competition Models Abstract
Mathematical model of influenza A evolution with HA protein stability Abstract
The Resource Allocation Strategies of E.coli under Different Limitations of Ribosome Abstract
Metabolic Trade-Offs in Serial Dilution Culture Abstract
Verticalization transition in Vibrio cholerae biofilms Abstract
Computer Simulation of a Possible Magic Number Effect in the Phase Transition of the Eukaryotic Photosynthetic Organelle, the Pyrenoid Abstract
How a Well-adapting Immune System Remembers Abstract