Joerg Bewersdorf: All-optical Super-resolution Imaging of Molecules in Their Nanoscale Cellular Context



Event Description

Super-resolution optical microscopy has become a powerful tool to study the nanoscale spatial distribution of molecules of interest in biological cells, tissues and other structures over the last years. Imaging these distributions in the context of other molecules or the general structural context is, however, still challenging. I will present recent developments of our lab focusing on instrumentation, fluorescent probes and sample preparation techniques which tackle this challenge. 4Pi-SMS microscopy, an interferometrical single-molecule localization technique, simultaneously localizes up to three species of proteins with sub-10 nm localization precision in 3D [1]. A new fluorogenic DNA-PAINT probe enables fast, 3D whole-cell imaging without the need for optical sectioning, adding a versatile tool to the toolbox of single-molecule super-resolution probes [2]. Labeling proteins and other cellular components in bulk in our recent pan-Expansion Microscopy method provides ultrastructural context to the nanoscale organization of proteins, replacing complex correlative light/electron microscopy by an all-optical imaging approach [3,4,5].  
