Topics will range from learning in simple non-biological systems to models of neural networks and the phenomenology of human memory.
Learning without neurons with contrastive local learning networks …
It’s an exciting time for the physics of life, as our community explores an ever wider range of problems, from molecules to ecosystems with stops at every scale in between. This symposium brings together the growing groups at Princeton, The City University of New York, and Yale, and we hope others will join in. Lectures will be…
9:30 AM
10:00 AM - 11:30 AM
Coral Reef Arks & the BioToy universe
Forest Rohwer
San Diego State University
Tens-of-millions of life forms, the most abundant and biodiverse being…
9:30 AM
Coffee and bagels
10:00 AM - 11:30 AM
Recent advances in foundation models:
Continual training, time-series models and revisiting evals for vision-language models
Irina Rish
Université de…
9:30 AM Breakfast
10:00 AM - 10:30 AM
Molecular mechanisms of precise timing in cell lysis
Anupam Mondal, Rice University
10:30 AM - 11:00 AM
Cell-motility self-regulated by secreted footprints
Emiliano Perez Ipiña, Johns Hopkins University
9:30 AM
Coffee and bagels
10:00 AM - 11:30 AM
Deciphering the form and function of the 3D genome
Zhe J. Liu HHMI Janelia Research Campus
Deconstructing the mechanism by which the 3D genome encodes genetic…
Please join us in supporting the work of the following doctoral students and postdoctoral fellows who have been selected from a wide pool of applicants this semester:
9:30 AM Coffee and bagels
10:00 AM A fitness landscape instability governs the morphological diversity of tip growing cells
9:30 AM
Coffee and bagels
10:00 AM - 11:30 PM
Dense associative memory for novel transformer architectures
Dima Krotov
MIT-IBM Watson AI Lab and IBM Research
11:30 AM - 12:00 PM
9:30 AM
10:00 AM
Near-critical tuning revealed by spontaneous switching in a protein signalling array
Fotios Avgidis
10:30 AM
Electrochemical potential enables dormant spores to integrate…
9:30 AM
Bagels and coffee
10:00 AM - 11:30 AM
More is different: Revealing bacterial navigation strategies
Katja Taute, LMU Munich
11:30 AM
12:00 PM - 1:30 PM
Trade-offs between cost and…
9:30 AM Breakfast
10:00 AM - 11:30 AM
Andrew Leifer
Princeton University
11:30 AM Break
12:00 PM - 1:30 PM
Making sense of large-scale neural and behavioral data…
9:30 AM
10:00 AM - 10:30 AM
The physics of behavior aims at a more complete characterization of complex animal movements under more naturalistic conditions. This symposium samples recent progress in this field. We will hear from theorists and experimentalists as they discuss how ideas from dynamical systems theory and statistical physics can…
Friday, February 25 11:00 AM - 4:30 PM EST
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1:00 PM - 2:30 PM EST
Nonequilibrium thermodynamic limits to fluctuations and response…
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All time Eastern - We will start at 11AM
11:00 AM Graph rules for nonlinear inhibitory network dynamics
Carina Curto, Pennsylvania State University
12:30 PM…
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All time Eastern - We will start at 11AM
11:00 - 12:30 - Precision and plasticity in animal transcription
Angela DePace, Harvard Medical School…
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Physics of Life - Students and postdocs edition
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All times Eastern - We will start at 11AM
11:00 - 12:30 - Physical computation in insect swarms
Orit Peleg, University of Colorado at Boulder
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We will start at 10 AM
Directed Evolution of Microbial Communities
Alvaro Sanchez, Yale University
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all times Eastern - We will start at 11AM
10:30AM - noon: Understanding the structure…
Please note 11AM EST starting hour, one hour later than our usual time. To receive the Zoom link, please register
We are in the midst of a revolution driven by models for learning in neural networks.
In this symposium we will explore these models, their application to the deep networks that are the state of the art in language processing by machines,
and the relation of these ideas to the extraordinary ability of human infants to learn…
All cells must control the reading out (“transcription”) of information encoded in their DNA.
In this symposium we will look at new observations on the condensation of protein droplets surrounding sites of active transcription,
at new theoretical approaches to the dynamics of chromosomes, and at theories that connect these…
Evolution is a combination of randomness and selection, in systems with many interacting degree of freedom, and hence a challenging problem in statistical physics.
In this symposium we will look at the dynamics of evolution in the real world, including data on covid-19, in simplified laboratory experiments,
and in abstract…
Please join us here:
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Using food-caching birds to study the neuroscience of episodic memory
Dmitriy Aronov, Columbia University
Design principles of adaptable neural…
Zoom event hosted by Bill Bialek and Josh Schaevitz
Information flow in bacterial communities schedule
Quorum-sensing communication: from viruses to bacteria to…
Detailed Schedule for Friday December 6 Symposia
Adaptation and Bayesian forecasting in biological systems…
Detailed Schedule for Friday November 15 Symposia
Using simple models to understand complex processes
Animal navigation in uncertain environments
Agnese Seminara, Université Côte d’Azur
Quantitative windows into the minds of dolphins
Marcelo Magnasco, Rockefeller University
How birds sing: Taking precise data, making precise theories.
Samuel Sober and Ilya…
Transcription factors, chromosome topology, and transcription control
Jie Xiao, Johns Hopkins University
The role of phase separation in regulation of gene transcription in eukaryotes
Arup Chakraborty, Massachusetts Institute of Technology
DNA polymer physics and…
A bottom-up approach to microbial community assembly
Jeff Gore, Massachusetts Institute of Technology
The origin of chaos in large interacting ecosystems
Giulio Biroli, École Normale Supérieure
Collective behaviors in large interactive ecosystems: A phase diagram…
Measuring and understanding the brain’s model of the external world
Loren Frank, University of California at San Francisco and HHM
The intrinsic neuronal dynamics of a canonical cognitive circuit
Ila Fiete, Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Between chaos and…
Sequence diversity in the adaptive immune system
Curtis Callan, Princeton University
Deep learning and proteins
Lucy Colwell, Cambridge University
Learning protein constitutive motifs from sequence data
Remi Monasson, École Normale Supérieure
Neural mechanisms for seeing without V1
Tony Ro, The Graduate Center, CUNY
How the brain signals memories of what we’ve seen
Nicole Rust, University of Pennsylvania
How high-order image statistics shape cortical visual processing
Jonathan Victor, Weill…
Protein disorder and liquid phase separation
Shana Elbaum-Garfinkle, The Graduate Center and ASRC, CUNY
Mechanism and functions of phase separation by multidomain proteins
Michael Rosen, University of Texas Southwestern and HHMI
Protein phase transitions in and out of…
Universality and individuality in growth and expression dynamics
Hanna Salman, University of Pittsburgh
Global cellular variables: Fluctuations and homeostasis
Naama Brenner, Technion
How does single cell variability affect population growth?
Ariel Amir,…
Dynamic acoustic communication in flies
Mala Murthy, Princeton University
Songbirds learn vocal sequences within a rhythmic framework
Ofer Tchernikovski, Hunter College and The Graduate Center, CUNY
Capturing the continuous complexity of natural behavior in C elegans…