CPBF Symposia at CUNY

In addition to the seminar series, CPBF holds 2-3 symposia events each semester at the CUNY Graduate Center in New York City. 

These symposia are all-day events, and are coordinated with the Initiative for the Theoretical Sciences at CUNY.

Participation is lively and interactive, with the audience drawn largely from researchers, postdocs, graduate students and faculty based at various institutions in New York City, and the Tri-State area.

Curated by members of the symposia committee, the symposia series highlights major research activities of the Center.

Guest speakers are invited to give a foundational overview, to engage those in the audience less familiar with the topic, before sharing their expertise in the frontier of research.

All members of the scientific community are welcome:

  • Undergraduates
  • PhD students
  • Postdoctoral fellows
  • Faculty
  • Visitors

Most events include time for informal discussion, both with the speaker(s) and with colleagues.


To be sure you are on the email list for Center events, contact our Center Coordinator, Alison Phillips

For events in NYC, the CUNY Graduate Center is located at:

365 Fifth Avenue, Manhattan (a short walk from Penn Station)

Registration is requested ahead of time.

Princeton students and postdoctoral fellows can pick up train tickets from Alison Phillips.

Symposium: Physics of Life, along the Northeast Corridor
Fri, Feb 21, 2025, 10:30 am5:30 pm

The next in our series of day-long symposia will be on Friday, February 21, 2025 (soon).  We have a wonderful lineup of faculty speakers from Princeton, CUNY, and Yale, offering the opportunity not just to hear excellent science but to strengthen regional community.  Topics will range (literally) from single molecules to collective…

Symposium: Information and irreversibility
Fri, Apr 18, 2025, 10:30 am5:30 pm

Recent developments in statistical physics have focused new attention on the relations between information theory and thermodynamics, and on experiments that characterize directly the violations of detailed balance in driven systems. This symposium will explore these ideas in simple model systems and in the full complexity of living systems,…

Symposium: Physics of Behavior
Fri, Sep 12, 2025, 10:30 am5:30 pm

Leenoy Meshulam, University of Washington and Sam Reiter, Okinawa Institute of Science and Technology
Octopus camouflage

Antonio Carlos Costa, École Normale Supérieure, and Claire Wyart, Paris Brain Institute