The Center for the Physics of Biological Function (CPBF), a joint effort between Princeton University and The Graduate Center at CUNY. We are a collection of scientists working at the interface of physics and biology with the goal of creating a physicist’s understanding of living systems: a physics of biological function that connects the myriad details of life, across all scales, to fundamental and universal physical principles. Our center focuses on new scientific opportunities and educational programs, integrating theory and experiment, research and education.
Understanding the phenomena of life means understanding the emergence and integration of essential biological functions.
A true unification of the physics of biological function requires educating a new generation of scientists.
We are searching for Center Fellows, both theorists and experimentalists. Applications for 2025 CPBF fellows are now open!
Biophysics Seminar Series
Game Theory Cancer Models of Cancer Cell-Stromal Cell Dynamics using Interacting Particle Systems Abstract
Bacterial Route…
ITS Symposia